International Friendship Day 2009 @ Thursday, April 16, 2009
Friday, 17 April, is International Friendship Day! Pls do not bring your geography and maths books as these lessons will not be conducted.

@ Sunday, April 12, 2009
Exams coming nearer le, gambate :D

Btw, who's hogging the class photos? How come never let us see de. The photo at the top have to update. 1A leh.

Changes in Lesson on 13 April @ Saturday, April 11, 2009
Due to the International Friendship Day celebrations on 17 April(Friday), there are some changes in the lessons on Monday.

For us, the first two periods are for geography, while the next two goes to Maths. The rest of the day will be of the normal timetable. Recess, followed by two periods of science and mother tongue, and finally PE-T.

Please bring the necessary books for the lessons on Monday, 13 April.

Singapore Youth Festival 2009 @ Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Congratulations to the VS Concert Band for achieving GOLD in the Singapore Youth Festival 2009!

Integrated Resorts under Construction: @ Thursday, April 2, 2009
Integrated Resorts under Construction:
Marina Bay Sands
Resorts World at Sentosa
Just for fun!

Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games @

Class Motto: Will To Fight

Class Mission/Vision: Together We Can

Aim of Blog:

To provide information and periodic reminders for 2A-ian classmates in the event of any special occurrences.

Admins and Authors are free to post anything they find interesting, except for restricted/copyrighted items!

Project/homework due dates and test dates are featured on this blog, however students are still reminded to make full use of their student handbook, which is the VS Journal.

Have a nice day (:


Notice Board
Class Events







CLASS 2A O9 VICTORIA SCHOOL. We are made up of:

Bryan Chia Zhen Hao
Chan Rongsheng Luke
Cheh Yek Teng
Chen Zhi Rui
Chin Wei Han Daniel
Chong Yong Xiang
Chua Bok Woon
Chua Yeow Yee Melvin
Chua Ze Xuan
Daniel Kong Wei Ming
Darius Iskandar Reduan
Francis Gideon Neo En
Goh Xun Yi
Han Wei Ming Brendan
Harri Vishnu A/L Aravinnashan
Joejyn Marcus Wan
Koh Boon Wee Jason
Lai Cheng Yu
Law Wei Jie Amos
Lee Wen Jie Alvin
Lie Wen
Lim Jia Peng
Lock Wen Hao Daniel
Loh Wen Jie Jonathon
Low Zhi Hao
M Devanand
Matthew Tan Jun Ye
Muhammad Haziq B Ridzwan
Muhammad Nabil B Abdul Aziz
Muhammad Nurhadi B Taha
Muzafar Shah Marican B Ahmad M
Ng Choon Kiat William
Ng Ming Chen Jerry
P S Pandiyan
Ryan Michael Tan Zhi Xian
S Bharath
Teo Chin Wei
Teo Zi Xiang
Thiyaghessan S/O Poongundranar
Tomus Yong Cherng Foak
Tristen Ng Tze Wei
Wong Wen En Joseph

The Chosen Ones

Class Monitors(Semester 2): Devanand
Zi Xiang

Treasurer: Zhi Rui

Secretary: Joejyn

AV Rep: Melvin
Yong Xiang

Welfare Rep: Ze Xuan

Environmental Activist/CIP Rep: Lie Wen

English Rep 1: Ryan Tan

English Rep 2: Pandiyan

MT Rep: Jason (Higher Chinese)

Geography Rep: -

History Rep: Harri

Literature Rep: -

Bahasa Indonesia/ RSP rep: Matthew

Maths Rep 1: Jason

Maths Rep 2: Francis

Chemistry Rep: Darius

Design and Technology Rep: Nabil

Home Economics Rep: -

Our Teachers

FT/RSP Ms Shyamira

AFT/History Mr Daryl Tan

EnglishNew: MS Koo

Old: Mr Maran

Old: Mr Daryl Tan

Elementary Maths Miss Lim In Siew

Biology Mdm Nabilah

ChemistryNew: Ms Ricca

Old: Ms Gloria Boey

Physics Mr Koh Chee Kiang

Geography Ms Raksha

Literature Mrs Jennifer Ouyang

Visual Art Mr Nathanael Tan

Design & Technology Ms Choo, Mr Khor & Mr Zulkifli

Home EconomicsMrs Melissa Lim (Register 1-21)/Ms Hashimah (Register 22 to 24)

Music Mr Aw Yong

BI Ms Diah

PE Mr Sng

RSP Mr Donald Leo




Skin by: Francis